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Nanaimo Fishing Charters April Report

Unreel Charters

We are back out on the water doing Nanaimo fishing charters! After some upgrades to our boat we are back on the water and the timing could't be better! The fishing off Nanaimo right now is exceptional and limits of chinook salmon on most Nanaimo fishing charters is the norm right now. Typically the last 2 weeks in April and early May are the best chinook salmon fishing Nanaimo will see all season and some of the best on the entire coast. We have been having some nice sunny weather to go along with our Nanaimo fishing charters which makes things even better. Bottom fishing for Lingcod and rockfish opens May 1st and with no fishing pressure since last season the fishing should be excellent. There truly is no better time to get out on a fishing charter in Nanaimo than right now! These early season chinook runs will be moving on in the next number of weeks and will make way for the next runs.

nanaimo fishing charters chinook salmon

Unreel Charters

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